Dan the Pirate was the CA of McElroy E-4 for the 2001-2002 school year. Dan was a pot smokin Pirate.
Dan the Pirate became quickly popular throught the MSU dorms because of the the Dan the Pirate Signs put up by Brown
Eye Productions crew members. Dan said many things on his signs such as: Just Say No; Recycle your 40's; Beware of Food Waste;
Be Quiet; and No Hall Sports.
Because of Dan the Pirates quick fame, Brown Eye Productions entered him into the latest videos. You can see the Pirate
at the begining of videos such; Clayman II and Civil Affairs.
Dan the Pirate does have a enemy or an arch rival if you will. James the Ninja has appeared as the one force
who can take down Dan the Pirate. Look for a final showdown Dan the Pirate vs. James the Ninja video to be coming out this
summer sometime.